Sunday, April 17, 2011

Why Skeletons

Good Palm Sunday!
I'm going to get right into the topic of today's blog because my mother-in-law wants us to join her for church this morning.  While I'm not a religious person my spirit is leading me to the service because I think that there is a message there for me.


Why Skeletons? This is a question that was posed to me about a month ago and the reason that I chose to write about this topic is because nearly everyone that I know has some sort of skeleton in their closet.  Some skeletons are as small as a snakes such as a co-worker who that regularly steals paper clips from the office.  Now some skeletons can be super-sized such as a man living on the down low and endangering not only his own life but also the lives of his wife and children.  The point is that we all have some sort of secret that we don't want anyone to know for one reason or another.

While researching for Skeletons I was wondering what were some of the most dangerous secrets that women keep, what are the reasons that they keep those skeletons hidden in their closets behind Christian Louboutin shoes and Gucci purses and how far would we go to keep those secrets hidden.  I thought about what would happen if those skeletons started banging on the doors trying to escape and how that revelation would change the lives of so many people.    The skeletons that my characters, Jovanna, Santana and Phoenix are trying to hide are secrets that are too deep and damaging that if these skeletons escape they would ruin everything that these ladies have built their lives around.  Skeletons also tells a story of how far these women would go to keep their secrets cloaked in darkness rather than to face them head on and how keeping secrets from loved ones can cause not only pain and distrust but also could cost someone their life.

We all keep some sort of skeleton in our closet, I have secrets that I don't want anyone to know about (such as Gephyrophobia) but my skeletons are not going to cause havoc in my life or hurt the ones that I love.  My secrets are just things that I'd rather not scream out to the world, but yet they are there. What are some skeletons that are in your closet, deeply hidden beneath piles of clothing, behind old shoe boxes and shopping bags.  What would you do if those skeletons started banging on your door? 

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