Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Super-Size My Sticker Please!

I've always wanted one of those cool family stickers that I see on the back of people's cars or mini vans, but I could never find them in stores.  Well thanks to the magic of Google I found a website www.familystickers.com which makes family stickers that you can customize to fit each family member's personality.  So I logged on and made our family sticker to put on the back of the van as well as to put on a rubber return address stamp.  The site is so neat because you can pick from a wide variety of heads, bodies as well as poses and pets and they even have a feature that you can use to create your own design for your sticker.

So I customized my family sticker:

Too cute! Each stick figure represents every one from my gamer husband, the skateboarding teenager, the teenager who is attached at the hip to her laptop, the grand diva tween, the sports-minded six year old, active three-year old to our darling baby Januari! 

It was kind of pricey at $54 each so if we wanted 2 it would cost us over $110 plus shipping, but one would do us just fine.  The only issue is that I hope that it isn't too big for my back window!  That is the joy of having a large family, you need everything super-sized from the bottle of ketchup to the table for 13 at the restaurant when you have a large clan you have to accommodate accordingly.  I cannot wait until my sticker arrives in the mail and IF it fits and I don't get a ticket for it obstructing my view I know that I'm going to love it.


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