Wednesday, April 27, 2011

They Interrupted The Today Show For THIS?

As I sat down to complete my early morning routine of a glass of kool-aid, blogging and my favorite morning news program The Today Show when they interrupted Ann Curry's interview with Candiace Bushnell who was discussing her new book, Summer And The City, about when Carrie Bradshaw from Sex And The City when she meets Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte and her first summer in NYC.  A book that I must read because I am a Sex And The City fanatic.  Wanting to hear more about the book I sat up in the bed until a more alarming issue was brought to my attention when I saw the big floating graphic displaying SPECAIL REPORT so that got my attention and I stopped mid blog to see what was going on.
The President, Barrack Obama, wanted to address once again the birther issue and the authenticity of his birth certificate and to finally put the issue of the place of his birth to rest. 

I am not a political person at all, I did good passing the U.S. Constitution test in the 8th grade, but I do know this, America has much bigger things to do than to stop my news program to address once again this birth certificate.  I like Barack Obama because he is a very cool guy, he has an eloquent way of speaking and I like how he doesn’t let the pressure of being the President of the United States show.   Donald Trump has ignited a lot of fire about the place of the President’s birth for the past few weeks, but who really takes Donald Trump seriously?  I love his show The Apprentice, but I watch that for entertainment and not for Donald’s insightful political views. 
Even though the President has provided the birth certificate showing that he was indeed born in Hawaii, now he has to prove that the birth certificate was real so he had to provide the long-form birth certificate and hold a press conference about it!
I don’t give a fat, rat’s ass where the President was born! Do you know what I care about?  I care about how we can afford to put gas in my van when gas is running at $4.09 a gallon!  I care about rather or not we will be able to go to our doctor visits due to the state of health care in American!  I care about the fact that there are sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and brothers and sister still fighting in an ongoing war!  I don’t care if the President was born on the moon, all I care about is our President being able to focus his energies on the things that matter to me and not a birth certificate.  I want the President to worry about the state of the educational system in America, I want him to talk about how they plan on reducing the unemployment rate by creating jobs.  That is what I want to hear about…not his birth certificate.  I don’t care where any President was born actually, J.F. Kennedy could have been born in Russia, Bill Clinton could have been born in Australia and George Washington could have been born in Africa all I care about is rather or not this president is going to do a good job running this country and making America a great country to live in.
How can America consider itself a powerhouse in the world when we dwell on such silliness? Let’s stop the distractions and let the President focus on bigger things and let me enjoy my program without unnecessary interruptions.  

And by the way, they didn't continue the interview with Candace Bunshell, but that won't stop me from buying her book.  


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