Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Friend Zone

You are traveling through another dimension
A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind.
A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries
are that of the imagination.
That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop:

The Friend Zone

The friend zone is the worst place that a person can be with a person that they want to be involved with romantically or sexually.   The friend zone is described as the zone that you enter into when the person that you are seeing only wants to hang out with you rather than be involved romantically.  The friend zone is more dangerous for a man because once females put men in that zone it is difficult or impossible for women to see him as anything but "just a friend."  The friend zone for women is dangerous as well, but it is a little more easy for women to escape the zone.

Warning Signs
There are several warning signs that you have entered the friend zone:

1. If you hear the term "We are just friends." that is the most obvious sign that you have entered the forbidden zone.  

2. If the person refers to you as "little sis" or "little brother" even though you are not related--you are in the friend zone. 

3. If they talk about other men/women with YOU you are in the friend dimension. 

4. If the person revels way to much information about themselves to you (no mystery), you are just a friend.

5. If they don't care about their appearance when they are with you--consider yourself friended. 

I am not going to take the time to explain the above-mentioned signs in greater detail, but once you have one or more of these major signs consider yourself friended.  For some people being friends with someone of the opposite sex isn't all that bad, but if you want to have a romantic or sexual relationship with this person then you have a problem.

Avoiding The Friendship Zone
Let's face it, sometimes the person that we are attracted to won't share that same attraction for us and there really isn't anything that we can do about it.  However, there are ways to avoid being placed in this zone at the beginning of the relationship. 
First, let your intentions be known from the beginning of the relationship.  Don't be shy, let him/her know that you are interesting in them romantically. Suggest romantic dates alone instead of with a group of people. Going on group dates won't allow two people to get to know one another one-on-one and it won't allow for romance so it is hard to escape being seen as just a friend when you are only around one another with other friends. 
Go to places where you can get close enough to touch (not grope) and place your hand on their knee or on the small of their back etc...Don't be afraid to tastefully tell the person about your sexual desires in order to build sexual tensions between the two of you (a lot of people are put into the friend zone due to the lack of sexual chemistry or tension).  Another way to avoid the friendship zone is to live your own life and date other people until you and this person have established your roles in each other's lives.  When you live your own life, you are bringing your own interests and experiences into the mix so you will be seen as an interesting person instead of just a friendly person.  
Lastly, if you want to attract their attention make yourself attractive by the way you carry yourself around this person. When you are with your friends the SpongeBob SquarePants lounge pants and tank top are fine, but when you are trying to be romantic with someone you'd better step your game up a little and dress tastefully enough to attract their attention.  
Being in the friend zone can suck for anyone looking for a romantic relationship, but sometimes being just friends is just that, and the person sees you only as someone that they can be friends with no matter what you do to try to avoid it.  


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