Monday, May 7, 2012

Why So Serious? Putting the Fun Back Into Love

Hey guys and happy Tuesday! I first want to thank each and everyone of you that have taken the time to not only read my blog, but also who have read my debut novel Skeletons! It almost amazes me every day that I actually finished a book and had the fortitude to get it out of my computer and into the hands of over 5,000 plus so far! I'm still in shock when someone comes up to me and says, "I loved the book." I almost turn around to see if they were talking to someone behind me because I never knew that I would be in this position. While Skeletons is doing very good in cyber space I really want to get out there and get some paperback book sold (yes they still make paperback books) so I'm putting together a street team to help not only promote my books, but also sale them! I'm excited on this new venture and things are coming alone very well. I know that you want to get to the meat and potatoes of this blog, but I really wanted to thank you....thanks :)

Why So Serious? 
This term was made popular when said by the Joker as portrayed by Heath Ledger in 2008's rendition of The Dark Knight, but for the purpose of this blog I used this line to ask that of the serious couples out there....Why So Serious?
Many moons ago at my husband's and my wedding we were young, carefree and joking around laughing and smiling at not only ourselves, but at the whole situation and the Pastor, may he rest in peace, said, "Marriage is serious business, it's time to get serious." We both buckled down and decided to get serious because that was what we were supposed to do, but why? Why does marriage and relationships have to be so damn serious? 

Not saying that a marriage isn't to be taken seriously, no that is not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is why do some married people have to act so serious with one another all of the damn time. You know who I'm talking about, the couple that you don't like going on double dates with because they take themselves so seriously that they have forgotten how to have fun. You make a joke, they don't laugh. You tell a funny story, but they sit and stare blankly. You invite them to a couple's Halloween party, but they don't dress up. They don't want to talk about the last episode of Game of Thrones or whatever television show that almost everyone enjoys, no they want to talk about how they handle the bills or how work is putting a damper on their free time etc...those are the couples that have taken this whole marriage thing a little to seriously and have forgotten how to enjoy themselves. 

This is the couple that are in the restaurant not talking to one another, not laughing, not smiling, not holding hands or playing footsie underneath the table. To them marriage is not fun and exciting, but it is a chore like ironing clothes or getting ready to go to work in the morning. It is something that you have gotten in the routine doing so you just do it. Marriage to them is more like a long term business deal instead of a loving union. This is not the couple that have forgotten what it is like to be young and carefree.

Why So Serious?
Look I know that living an adult life is serious business. We have children to raise, bills to pay, deadlines to meet at work and in-laws to avoid. Yes, marriage is serious and I take my marriage seriously however, I don't take it so serious that I have forgotten that inside of this 30 something year old body lives a 16 year old girl who is fully of laughs and who still wants to have fun!
 A lot of people have forgotten how to be that fun, vibrant person that they were when they first met their spouse. There is nothing wrong with that because when we go through life we do change, so instead of that reckless twenty-something who would get it in behind the bushes at the public park we are responsible and cautious thirty or forty-somethings who know that getting it on behind the bushes requires us to bend in positions that might hurt our backs or irritate our carpel tunnel syndrome. However that does not mean that we cannot have fun. Instead of shagging behind the bushes at the park we have some extra money to get a hotel room and pretend to meet one another at the bar for the first time; he is James Bond and you are Pussy Galore and you get it on in other ways, but the point is you have fun with one another. 

I refuse to live the rest of my life being bored out of my mind. I want to live my life and have fun doing it. My husband and I are very goofy and that makes things between us so much more fun because we don't care what other people think about us wrestling and tickling one another until we piss our pants because that is just us. When we argue we spend most of the time laughing about how absurd we really are rather than actually arguing. When we are invited to a Halloween party we dress up for the occasion, we want to be at the baseball games cheering in the stands bumping our chests against one another. We actually enjoy visiting the Hustler sex shop just to see how large a dildo gets (trust me they get very large) or holding hands to walk along an exclusive neighborhood that we know we can't afford.   And I absolutely refuse to sit at a restaurant with my husband looking like a sour puss...I want to have fun. 

Yes marriage is serious business, but when you find yourself being more serious than silly ask yourself...Why So Serious?


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