Monday, May 14, 2012

Are Bad Girls The New Feminine?

I must admit, I watch television...lots of television, almost too much T.V. On one hand I love shows with great writing such as The Wire or shows with vibrant characters such as on Sex In The City and Game of Thrones. I also like shows that have lots of wit, sarcasm and humor such as on Seinfield or Curb Your Enthusiasm.  On the other hand I also watch shows with very little writing, no plots and silly drama that is so far fetched from reality that it is an oxymoron that these shows are even labeled as 'reality' television shows. Yet as much as I hate them, as much as they turn my stomach, I cannot seem to turn the channel from my favorite reality television shows. 
I'm not a fan of talent shows such as American Idol, Americas Got Talent, The Voice or Dancing With The Stars. I'm not interested in people being stranded on an island without food, water or suitable clothing as in Survivor. And I'm sorry people I don't dig dating shows that are more about swapping spit and being catty as in The Batchelor. Nope I don't dig reality television shows that actually have some sort of a premise, I only go for the shows that have no point whatsoever. 
I'm talking about shows that put women in such a bad light that it is sickening. I'm talking about shows such as The Bad Girls Club where they put eight young females who are already emotionally, mentally and spirituality void in a house with no television, one telephone, one computer and plenty of alcohol and sit back and watch them explode! I'm talking about shows where you get a group of bully's together to push around their so called 'friends' such as Basketball Wives where none of the women are or ever were an actually basketball wife! I am talking about a show that was supposed to be about Love & Hip Hop that actually showed no love or hip hop! Those are my type of shows! 
No Point. 
No writing. 
No creativity.
No talent.
Nothing but a waste of time. 
But each and every week I tune in faithfully just to see what new drama unfolds. Not because I care, because I really don't and not because I don't have my own drama because c'mon I have six children so I have my fair share of drama. I watch because I am amazed. I am amazed by how extremely tough some woman can be. I am amazed by how women decked out in designer clothes, red-bottoms and three-hundred dollar hairdos can stoop lower than a bum on the street. In my amazement I wonder...Are Bad Girls The New Feminine? 

When I think of femininity I think of the famous painting, The Birth Of Venus by Sondro Botticelli. I think of soft curves, flowing hair, smooth breasts, long legs and a peacefulness that cannot be broken. Femininity to me is one thing, besides a vagina and breast, that makes women different then men. Most men cannot be feminine and as much as some may try a man will never have the softness of a woman. I think of women as nurturing, loving and peaceful. I don't think of women out drinking a man,  out smoking him, out cursing him or out fighting him. Hell if a woman can do all of that what is the use of her having a man? 
If my mom taught us anything, she taught us how to remain a lady and I think that I have done a very good job of it. Yes there were times when I drank too much or partied too hard, but there was never a time that I was not a lady. There were times when I had to curse someone clean out, but I remained my position as a lady while doing so. My femininity is very important to me as it is something that I will never let go of because my femininity is my God-given gift and it cannot be duplicated by no man. My femininity is important to me because when my husband lays next to me at night, he loves the softness of my skin, my delicate touch and the way that I speak to him as a woman should. That is why my femininity is important to me. 
When I see these girls acting foolish while forgetting their femininity for our entertainment I think that these ladies are lost. They lost what it is to be female. I will be the first one to admit it, I am not a fighter. I cannot see myself coming face-to-face fist-to-fist with another female. I think that the last time I had a major scuffle with a female was when I was in the 6th grade and even that proved to be pointless because we were friends again the next day. At that time I think that I needed to prove a point. I had to prove that I was tough enough and sometimes I think that is what these woman seem to believe. They want to prove a point to the world that they are tough enough. 
Why do these women feel the need to let the world know that they can black another female's eye or bust a bottle over her head? What point does that prove? Then when it is all said and done and they have a moment to reflect they always say that they were just upset or they have anger management issues or they were abused as a child or they had to much to drink. It is always the same thing. If only they knew the tough bitch is the one that takes accountability for her own ignorant actions and stands on her on two about what she did while admitting that it was wrong. 
If a woman wants to prove that she is tough enough I want her to try breastfeeding a screaming baby at two, four, six and eight o'clock in the morning. That is a gangsta woman in my eyes. How about standing strong for your man when he is down and out between jobs while bills are piling up. In my eyes being tough is standing up for what you think is right, but instead of using your fists you use your intellect. A real bad girl is the one working two jobs to support her family not because she wants to but because she has no other choice. The baddest bitch is the one who protects her children from immanent death as a tornado rips apart their home from around them but ends up losing her own legs in the process. That is one bad bitch.
Ladies, remember never lose your femininity.


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