Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Author of Touch, Jaded and The Newly Released Title High Rollers...Ms. Envy Red!

Hello all, I hope that you enjoyed your lazy Labor Day weekend, I know that I did. I am so excited to have had the opportunity to interview the very talented and very busy author and savvy business woman, Envy Red that I want to skip any commentary by me and bring you the interview.

Introducing Envy Red
 First, who is Envy Red?

Wow! Who isn’t Envy Red is the question that runs through my mind. I wear so many hats yet I’m firmly grounded in who I am. I am a mother, friend, daughter, writer, entrepreneur and the laundry list goes on. However, in all that I am, I pray that being a blessing to others tops the list.

 Envy you are a phenomenal woman, you are not only a up and coming author, a mother a philanthropist, and a board member of Homebound Citizens, but you are also a cancer survivor. How do you manage it all?

I’m still trying to figure it out. I just put my goals in front of me with each project and push everyday. I’m learning to manage my time a lot wiser but the hours still float away. Time waits for no one. I really take head to that.

I think that before an authors puts her pen to a pad she has to read, who are some of your favorite authors?

Oh wow this puts me on the spot lady because if I forget someone it may start a mini war. Can I give a disclaimer first? Ok here it goes. If I forget to mention some of my favorites charge it to my head and not my heart. Lets get some of the biggies out of the way first. Stephen King, Zora Neale Hurston, JD Mason, and Eric Jerome Dickey. I have recently discovered a new breed of fire starters in Fabiola Joseph, Treasure Blue, Joe Awsum and I can’t forget my triplets in lit Rahiem Brooks and Kristofer Clarke.

In my opinion great authors are not made, but they are born with the gift to construct whole new worlds that inhabit people and to create situations for those people to get into and try get out of. With that being said what inspired you to begin writing?

I have always had a strong love for literature. I was known to carry a book around with me everywhere as a child. My teachers encouraged me to write from as far back as I could remember. However, I took what I was told was the “safe” route and went to business school and when on to graduate school. It was not until after my mother had a stroke and I watched her sit at the computer every day writing her book, that I got the courage to pen my own story. I was diagnosed with cancer during that journey and it further pushed me to complete my first project.

Like myself, you are a self-published author, how do you feel that self-publishing has changed the literary world and what made you choose to self publish?

Self publishing has made it easier for aspiring authors to realize their dreams without the increased pressure of rejection by the majors. Personally, I never shopped myself to a mainstream publisher because I wanted to learn the business for myself first rather than have it fed to me. That was just my personal need.

You are fairly new to the game, what are some of the most surprising things about the literary world that you have experienced?

LOL do you really want to know? Well my most shocking revelation was how much time and energy is really needed to market a book regardless of how good it is. It also shocked me to see how many crooks were in the literary world. You know the ones who get your books and don’t pay. We all know a few of those but you learn quick. This is the only business I know that operates backwards in that way outside of a true consignment shop. With those you can usually walk in and just take ownership back of your property. In this game you lose a lot of money if you are not smart and conscious about who you trust.

I am a mother of six children, oftentimes people ask me how I actually wrote and published a book with kids. Do you think that motherhood made it a little harder to finish your books or was the fact that you have a children looking up to you made your motivation stronger?

Personally, my kids made me stronger. Knowing I am that role model to them gave me that added fuel to press on.

I have heard nothing but great things about your books Touch and Jaded, can you tell my readers something about those books?

Touch was my first-born. I was able to play with sexuality and literature in a way that a diverse group of people could read and enjoy. It’s considered erotica but the characters go through so much that the pages reveal more than just mind blowing sex. With Jaded I was able to reel you in and really touch on heavy subject matter. I took a totally different approach with this book and I have to admit I wasn’t the least bit worried about changing genres. It’s a psychological thriller and let’s you tap into my love for the mental psyche. It peaks my interest like no other. I consider myself an envelope pusher and I think I do that with both titles.

Touch, touched on the secret society of swinging, what prompted you to involve your characters in that society?

It was different. It’s one of those subjects that I’m sure a lot of people secretly wonder about and this was my chance to give it to them in story form. It was a fantasy ride

My mother lives with a mental illness which I touched on in a previous blog; in your second book, Jaded, your main character has a mental illness and as you know in the African American community we tend to shy away from that topic. What prompted you to write about such a touchy and often hush-hush topic?

The fact that in the black community so many of our people go undiagnosed because of old traditions and our failure to accept mental illness as an affliction that we too suffer from. The story came to me. I swear it was God because i had zero difficulty when writing that book. It just flowed. I had to step away from it quite a bit because it was an emotional ride but one that needed to be exposed.

Tell me about your latest book, High Rollers?

High Rollers allows me to merge my love for roller skating with my love for writing. It’s about a Vietnam Vet who comes home only to inherit two businesses. One happens to be a rink which his friend convinces him to use for a far more sinister operation. That operation is human trafficking from America to Brazil. I absolutely feel as one with this new set of characters. Each has qualities that most of us can relate to in one form or another.

I noticed that you have a passion for roller skating; how long have you been skating?

I have been skating for a few years. I fell into it accidentally after finding myself at a national skate party. I fell in love instantly. I have been hooked ever since

What is next for Envy Red?

The sky has no limits and all I can say is Drama Baby! I am pouring my all into this store. I recently signed my lease and I’m getting the inside prepared for opening next month. I am shooting for 9/22. It is a children’s bookstore, select adult fiction, and kiddie accessory boutique. It will also have two spacious private rooms for baby showers and events. I’m embarking on a journey called “Open Book” as well. I am the co-host of this hot new show as well as working on a networking site called Author’s Info which has been rolled out already. I will also be starting my next title early next month
God willing.

Thank you for your candid interview you are truly an amazing woman who is ain inspiration to many.

You can find Envy Red's books on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

If you want to give a shout out to Ms. Red you can reach her on the following social networking sites:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/EnvyRed
Twitter: @EnvyRed

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