Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Dreaded Porn Stash

A few days ago while doing the laundry I decided to have a Super Wife moment and straighten out my husband's dresser drawers.  As I was emptying out his sock/t-shirt/lounge pants/underwear drawer I ran across a single pink DVD and I instantly knew what I'd found and it wasn't a hidden pirate's treasure! I'd lucked upon my husband's secret stash of porn and while this one DVD isn't exactly what I'd call a stash it was hidden therefore it counts.
I am not alone, many women all over the world happen upon their husband's porn stash that he'd carefully tucked away in a box in the back of a closet, on a high self that he thought that we couldn't reach, in their garages where we usually never go or even in the back room of a dark basement.  With unlimited internet access many men are hiding their porn in plain sight but rather than being put in closets and underneath beds porn is being hidden behind firewalls and security passwords, but  everything that is done in the dark comes to the light eventually.

A lot of women feel betrayed and turned off by the fact that they found their husband's erotic treasure trove and many women will even confront their men about their dirty little secret and demand that he come clean and throw it out or he will be the one sitting on the curb with last night's trash.

I didn't feel that way when I ran across my husband's DVD, instead I laughed it off, mumbling, "nasty boy." as I placed it back in it's original spot in his drawer.  I don't feel that my husband looking at an X-rated movie as a reason for him to feel ashamed and for me to feel angry.  I feel that way because I know that men are visual creatures who like watching the act of sex just as much as they like having sex themselves.  I also know that porn is a way for men to act out their own dirty little fantasies that you would not be willing to do with him (or that he is too ashamed to ask you to do).  So don't worry he doesn't want Sissy Spank-me to replace you in his life, but he does like the fact that she isn't ashamed of being his dirty little whore who willingly swallows and never spits.  

Also as sexual of a person that I am there are some nights that I just don't feel like fucking therefore my husband will turn to the little DVD in his drawer or on the laptop and have at it (after I am fast asleep of course).  After looking at porn men still find you as attractive as he did before he viewed porn and don't worry he doesn't want you to look like the porn star with the size forty-four double E boobs and the ass that could clap like a studio audience.  Instead he wants you to be you and to have the same confidence about you as the porn stars have about themselves. 

If you just have to let him know about his porn stash then let him know without making him feel ashamed.  Let him know that you don't disapprove of him watching porn, but you don't want him to keep secrets from you.  From time to time even pop on a flick while you are together to further let him know that you are not a porn prude.  

While I am fine with my guy's occasional porn habits, if there ever were a time that his porn viewing habits affected our relationship I'd have to let him know that it has to stop.  For example if my husband is stroking his laptop keys more than he was stroking me then we'd have an issue.  Also if he were to start comparing me to his on screen girls I'd have to cut his porn viewing off.   Lastly, if he decided to view pornographic material at work and it costs him his job I would have to intervene and get him some help.  

In conclusion, don't get your panties all in a bunch when you run across your guy's porn stash, just place it back and go on with your day; however, if your guys porn view habits start to take away from your relationship or you find child or gay pron then you may want to either call the authorities or talk to your mate about his pornographic addiction.   


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