Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Yes We Can, But Do We Really Want To?

Rosie The Riveter is an American cultural icon who was suppose to stand for the countless numbers of women who worked in the factories during Word War II. Rosie also represented feminism and women's economic power. Many women stood proudly behind Rosie in her red and white polka dot scarf and deep blue shirt because she led them to believe that yes they were women, but while their husbands were away at war, they were expected to take on the male dominate trades. The Government 
even targeted ads aimed at women to get them to join the workforce with one ad asking women, "can you use an electric mixer? If you can you can learn to operate a drill."

Yes Rosie the Riveter gave a lot of women the courage to step out and take on the role of the man during the war, but did she do more harm than good?

I see more and more women taking on the role that was not intended on her to take. I see women who are the woman and the man in the household. No, I'm not talking about in the single-woman household, but the household with a husband and a wife. Women are not only expected to work, but they are also expected to take care of the house, the kids, the car, the bills, the yard work and the maintenance around the house. The only thing that their men on the couch are willing to step up is when it is time to have sex and even then half of them want the women to get on top so that they won't have to put in to much effort!

While she may not physically go out and cut the grass, she has to either tell the man countless number of times to mow the lawn or she has to find someone to do it for her. She may not physically go out and change the oil in the minivan, but she has to be the one to take it to the nearest Jiffy Lube. If she has to get him the shoe to kill the spider on the floor why shouldn't she take it one step further and just squash the damn thing her self?

On top of all of that she still has to hold down a full-time job, a side hustle and take care of the kids.

No wonder women are tired and irritated.

Yes ladies we can do it, but do we really want to?

Do we really want to come home from work to a messy house, hungry kids and laundry that needs to be put away all of the while he gets to come home from work and lounge or hit the bar with his boys? Yes we can do it, but do we want to?

In 1939 women didn't have the same burdens as women in 2012 do. Yes they went to work in factories, but as soon as their men returned home they got to quit and many of them went back to their normal housewife routines. The men in the 30s were men who didn't mind taking the reins, they handled all of the finances and the household chores so the women didn't have to. Now I'm not saying that we should go back to the 1930s way of thinking because even though women worked in the factories and held things down while their men were at war they were not treated as an equal. What I am saying that that it is time for men to step up and help women out more.

A lot of women say that they would have their husband do this and that, but they are afraid that he won't do it right or that it won't get done at all. I was one of those women who would come home from work and do laundry and load the dishwasher because I didn't think that my husband could do it right. Until I grew tired and weary of doing everything around the house while he got to relax when he got home. So I stopped doing and start making him help out. So what if he didn't load the dishwasher exactly the way that I did as long as the dishes got cleaned who really cares. So what if he didn't use the white basket for the white clothes and the pink basket for the colors and wash them in the same order as I did as long as they got cleaned.
A lot of times men purposefully mess up so that they lose your trust in their ability to handle certain things just so they won't have to do it. That is fine if he messes up or claims that he doesn't know how to do this and that because practice makes perfect.

Ladies, this is about more than just housework or dealing with the children. This is about men stepping up to the plate and helping us out. Yes he brings home the beacon, but what is the point when you bring it home too then have to fry it all? Why can't he at least get the damn pot ready? What is the point if you both bring home the beacon, but while you are frying yours his is sitting on the kitchen table waiting for you to fry it while he is relaxing in front of the television.

I want my husband to be the man and let me be the woman. I want him to step up and start handling more things for the betterment of the family. I have a pretty good husband already, but at the same time it is time for him and all men to snatch the reins from their women and start to steer the stagecoach.
In relationships you have to find your happy medium. If your husband isn't the best with finances don't put him in charge of them and let bills go unpaid and cars get repossessed.  If you are better with money then by all means you handle the money, but let him handle the home and car maintenance. I don't care if he cuts the grass or if he pays little Jimmy from around the corner to cut it as long as it gets done without you getting involved.

Hey look we are all stressed with gas prices causing the prices of everything else to skyrocket more and more families have to become two income households. However, women's bodies carry stress differently than men so we are more prone to certain stress-related diseases than men. It is time for us to hand things over to our men and let them handle it rather than run ourselves into the ground trying to prove a pointless point.

Yes Rosie, we can do it, but I sure as hell don't want to!


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