Friday, July 15, 2011

How Comfy is Too Comfy?

Okay, so here is the scenario, you wake up one morning with your bladder full of Moscato, Patron or root beer so you make a mad dash to the bathroom, but the door is closed.  After knocking your honey opens the door with his face covered in shaving cream and a towel wrapped around his waste.  Your bladder is about to explode, but he is trying to get ready for work, what do you do?

A.  You make him get out while your relieve yourself
B.  You push him aside and plop down on the toilet while he finishes his shave
C.  You roll your eyes and run outside to squat and hope that your neighbors don't catch you

How comfortable are you in your relationship and is there even a such thing as being too comfortable?

When I was growing up my mother and grandmother were on this whole 'lady-like' kick where a lady didn't let a man know that she has normal body functions.  I was told that you never burp, pick your nose, fart, scratch, dig your panties out of your butt or use the bathroom in front of a man.  A woman never allows a man to see her unmentionables in the dirty clothes, she never leave your tampon or pad papers in the garbage (no matter how tightly rolled they are) when a man is in the house and a woman holds whatever it is that her body wants to do until the man leaves (no matter how painful it is) or she politely excuses herself from the room to handle her business.  
I went through nine years of torture with my first serious relationship; for nine years he didn't know that I picked my nose, he didn't know that I had farts that could clear a room and for nine years he never knew if I had a bowel movement that size of Texas!  The problem was I was taught not to get so comfortable in your relationship that you compromised your femininity.  On the other hand men don't hold themselves to those type of constraints, they will cut one loose that will burn down a house without even batting an eye.
Now my husband, on the other hand, he gets to know the real me.  He knows that I blow my nose when I'm sick or when I get out of the shower, he knows that I can clear a building with my chili cheese gas and he has seen me been int he bathroom while I did the #1 (#2 ummm no) hell some of our decisions are made while one of use is relieving ourselves.  What is the big deal?  My husband has seen my vagina transform from something the size of a lime to something the size of a MAC truck during childbirth! My husband has seen my uterus!  My husband was the one who took care of me after I had our last child that that included wiping up various blood clots off of the bathroom floor!  So to think that I can't even pass gas in front of him is absurd!
On the other hand I know couples who go all out with the comfort and will have bowel movements with the other one standing right there.  That is too comfy for me.  First of all I do my best thinking on the toilet and secondly I have smelled the bathroom after my husband has destroyed our sewer system and if it smells that bad after the fact I certainly do not want to be in there during the fact!
The thing is being comfortable enough to let it all hang out and be yourself in your relationship depends upon your own comfort level with yourself.  Are you comfortable being yourself in front of your man?  If you can't love you and your bodily functions how in the world do you expect someone else to?  I am not saying fart around the guy on your first date, but what I am saying is don't put so much stress on yourself to be perfect.   I think that in relationships it is important to be who you are early on because you can't fake the funk forever.


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