Sunday, October 30, 2011

Be careful of The X Files

Good morning!
Have you ever told a close friend something that you thought that would remain between you, but when you and that friend have a falling out you find out that that friend told everyone about your secret? I like to call that pulling out an X-File.

In my book, Skeletons, Jovanna, Santana and Asteria are all running fro secrets that they thought were hidden only to find out that no secret remains a secret for very long and they were all hoping that someone didn't pull out their X File and revel their secrets. 
We all have an X file on damn near everyone that is close to us and in most cases X Files can be harmless little tidbits that our friends have told us and sworn us to secrecy such as,

"I'm not really a size 8 I'm a size 10."
"This isn't my real hair, I get sew-in weaves, but it looks natural right?"
"I told my man that I didn't go shopping last week, but I did."

These types of X Files are essentially harmless therefore we file them in our file cabinet and forget about them as we would a terminated account from two years ago. However there are some X Files that are so damaging that if pulled and placed on someone's desk would cause a global fallout in that person's life. For example, 

"I've been sleeping with my husband's boss and that is why he got a large raise."
"My electric bill was due so I took money from the job, no one will ever miss it."
"I don't think that Little Trey is actually Trey's son, I think he is Mikes."
"I have herpes, but my Marcus doesn't know yet."

These are the type of X Files that need to be kept hidden, as a matter of fact they need to be burned! Unfortunately our brains don't come with a fire pit therefore when we are told a scandalous secrets we retain the information and lock put it away in our X File drawer never to open it again. However, the thing about X Files is that while you may tell your friend your secret thinking that she will never tell there is a large possibility that your friend will tell. I am about to be honest, I tell my husband things about my friends that they swore me to secrecy on. That is only because half of the time my husband isn't listening and the other half of the time he could care less about what is going on in my friend's lives that he forgets as soon as I tell him.

Yet there are some times when a person has a falling out with the friend who holds the key to their X File cabinet and that friend will begin to take out those files and use them against you! She will tell your man about his boss, she will tell your job about the money, she will tell Trey to go get a DNa on Little Trey and she will even tell what happened in Vegas. 

That is what I like to call pulling the X File. 
When someone pulls your X File on you it can disrupt your whole life, leaving you exposed and in the position to explain to people what happened. In some cases when your X File is pulled it will only leave you with the red face of shame and the need to apologize. However, there are other times when the X File can cost you the loss of your mate, the loss of your job and the loss of your reputation. These files are dangerous and should only be trusted with a person that you can trust with your life. 


I know that you have information that you are just dying to tell your BFF, but you have to take several factors into account. You have to first know your friend. If she is telling you things about other friends then she is most likely telling those friends things about you as well. If she is a vindictive person who has done something awful to get back at someone what makes you think that she won't do the same to you? 
What about you?

We all have an X file on our friends, family and loved ones, but if someone swears you to secrecy do both of you a favor and once that file goes into the cabinet, keep it there. Unless you want yours pulled as well.

The truth is out there....


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